Peace, Patriarchy and Politics
We welcome back renowned feminist icon Gloria Steinem who shared her thoughts on "Feminism Today" with a Global Citizens Circle gathering in 1980. More than four decades later, we honor her tireless work on behalf of women and girls worldwide and welcome her into conversation with emerging leaders Ibrahim Kakinda from Uganda, offering insights into the unique challenges and perspectives of the African continent, and Firdos Khan from India, providing a lens on the dynamics in South Asia. Facilitating the conversations is Jamia Wilson, a multifaceted writer, commentator and activist.
January 24, 2024
We welcome back renowned feminist icon Gloria Steinem who shared her thoughts on "Feminism Today" with a Global Citizens Circle gathering in 1980. More than four decades later, we honor her tireless work on behalf of women and girls worldwide and welcome her into conversation with emerging leaders Ibrahim Kakinda from Uganda, offering insights into the unique challenges and perspectives of the African continent, and Firdos Khan from India, providing a lens on the dynamics in South Asia. Facilitating the conversations is Jamia Wilson, a multifaceted writer, commentator and activist.
January 24, 2024
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Discussion Leaders
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GLORIA STEINEMWriter, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer
JAMIA WILSONMultifaceted writer, commentator, and activist
IBRAHIM KAKINDAFounded Access Youth Initiative Uganda, and MCW Global Fellow
FIRDOS KHANMember of Delhi Commission of Women