Arab Aramin
Arab Aramin was born in Jerusalem. In 2007, on the 17th of January, Abir, his beloved sister, was shot dead by an Israeli soldier in front of her school in Anata, East Jerusalem. Abir was killed for no reason. Or maybe there was a reason. Abir was a Palestinian. After Abir was killed, Arab tried to avenge her death. He started throwing stones at soldiers who stood at the checkpoint outside his house. After a while his father, a peace activist, discovered he was throwing stones and persuaded him to stop. He told Arab that revenge only brings more revenge, blood only brings more blood and that he is not ready to lose another child. Arab’s heartfelt conversation with his father helped him develop a more positive outlet for his anger and led him to connect with The Parents Circle – Families Forum, where he has been an active member for many years. ( Information via MedjiTours:,is%20in%20Anata%2C%20East%20Jerusalem. ) |